Welcome to your new Tweak CMS account! To help you get started here are a few things you might want to know.
This text you're reading and the blue website layout are just here to get you started. You can use your own content and design as soon as you're ready.
The dashed, red box around this text indicates this area is the main editable content region for this particular layout. You or your designer can make several editable regions in a layout if desired.
If you don't want to see the red dashed lines and the edit content button, just click the icon on the top-right of your screen that looks like a red dashed box. Clicking this icon lets you toggle the editable-area markers on and off.
Clicking the markers icon will toggle editable-areas on and off.
Tweak works with plain old XHTML and CSS to make editable websites. You, your designer, or your programmer can create and upload custom templates using only XHTML and CSS.
Content contributors don't need to know HTML or CSS, though, to make changes to a website. The editor (click the edit content button) is a lot like Microsoft Word and even lets users paste content directly from Word.
Right next to the markers icon is the toolbar which has handy icons for common tasks. Note that on this page (your site's home page) the copy page and delete page icons are hidden because they don't apply to the home page.
The toolbar facilitates quick access to common page-editing functions.
If you want to change the title of your website visit the Preferences page under the Administration heading.